Animal Puppet photos

Cats and Dogs
Puppet Free Library 1995?

see Cats and Dogs

Riding Bird, Triumph of the Arts Samba Parade
Governor's Institute on the Arts of Vermont 1998?
Riding Bird

see Riding Horse

Stilt Demon, "The Rights of Spring"
The Commons, Boston, 1994?
Stilt Demon

see Wire Demon

Yak, Winter Section , "The Four Seasons"
First Night Boston, 1998?

see One Person Horse

Earth Cat, Earth Section, "The Elements"
First Night Boston 1997?

see Two-Person Cat

White Dog, workshop puppet, school parade
Edgerly School, Somerville, MA 1999

Night, Triumph of the Arts Samba Parade
Governor's Institute on the Arts of Vermont, 1998?

see Four-Person Beast

Frog, workshop puppet
First Night Hartford, CT 1997?

see Frog

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