The Sun had an intrepid puppeteer (Cavan Meese, to be exact) inside. He bounced it around, and
sometimes ran it down the road like a hamster on an exercise wheel. We were worried about air supply,
and had him refresh the air every 15 minutes. This seemed OK. Anyway, we didn't notice significant brain
The pattern for the next:
The Fat Cat.
The Fat Cat Funeral
The Village Halloween Parade, NY 1009
The cat is on an inflated cushion, on a bamboo platform.

The Green Dragon
The Dragon has a second skin, cut in scales, too make it less plasticy.
It is carried by loops set into the seams. It could wave up and down in a nicely
lifelike way, but people waved it around a bit too enthusiastically, and it developed leaks -
it had to be reinflated in flight, through a umbilical tube, using a fan attached to a
camping battery mounted on a backpack.
Fan Setup
The Sorrowful Cod
The Cod was made of heavier tranparent plastic dropcloth (still put together by ironing with a
household iron with a paper interface), with colored plastic attached
with hot glue, and illuminated by a light walking under it. It was converted to a Happier
Cod for the First Night Grand Procession in Boston by the addition of colored dots.

Light Setup
Plus they float!